Friday, August 22, 2003
No, this isn't an indication that I'm slacking off, what this is is a notification that due to my schedule being in such an odd way this semester, I've decided to discontiue a MWF schedule in favor of a Sat/Sun/Mon schedule. You get the same amount of quality comics, but I don't have to do them at 12am after having just crashed from a 12 hour day at school on tuesday-thursday. I'm justifying this to myself by saying 'a lot of the comics that I like to read aren't updated on the weekends, leaving a void in my comic reading life". So I'm going to fill that void for those of you who are like me, while also filling my void, of which I mean 'sleep'. Goodnight everybody! New schedule starts now, so no comic for Friday, but one for Sat-Mon. Goodnight.
posted by Dana Calvert at 2:09 AM
Friday, August 15, 2003
So here we are. The site has been modified (though not much) just for the sake of changing it. I'll redesign the site in the future, but for now, this will do. So how does everyone like the new style? I've been told it's too Penny Aracadish (considering I have no art skills, even being remotely linked to PA is a compliment to me). Head into my forum if you'd like to comment on it, I try to read it whenever I get a chance.
posted by Dana Calvert at 4:32 AM
Monday, August 11, 2003
So this is it, the final week of MSHS. Thursday not only marks the 2 year anniversary of MSHS, but also the last MSHS comic, and the FIRST MSU comic. Where will you be on Thursday? Right here, hopefully!
posted by Dana Calvert at 5:08 AM
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
So.... there it is. A month of nothing and then a picture that's really crappy and not even funny. That's the end of the Prom arch. I refuse to do anything more on it. So... with that said, this month is dedicated to the final month of MSHS, in the form of Graduation. I know some of you are sad (the few who stuck around in my really long hiatuses [hiatusees? hiatusseseses? hiati? fark it]) or mad (that you DID stick around just to have me pull the plug on the thing). But fear not. Dan isn't going away, he's just going to college. Starting in August, Minimum Security University begins, with Dan and Yakov, and a few new characters to boot! I just can't keep coming up with high school jokes, seeing as how I graduated over a year ago and the jokes are starting to become routine to me. Thus, college, where so far I've had the craziest time ever in my life. Wooo! So.... I'm sorry about the break, and I promise that there shouldn't be another month long hiatus ever again (at least without announcing something). See you in college!
posted by Dana Calvert at 2:40 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2003
This might seem like a cop out, to use my 'divine intervention' to help Dan out in an area that I only wish I'd have had divine intervention with. But I'm going to go with: my comic, my character, I'll help him out whenever I want.
Also, I have an announcement concerning the comic that will be coming soon enough. Stay tuned.
posted by Dana Calvert at 11:55 PM
Monday, May 19, 2003
NOTE: Update at 4pm. I got home today and had a bunch of stuff to deal with. At 3:42 AM, I'm calling it a night so I can go into class on time. With that said, I apologize, I know I said that the 5 day a week thing was so I WOULDN'T be lazy, but what happened tonight wasn't a contingency I was planning on really. Sorry. Don't send Paco after me.
posted by Dana Calvert at 3:48 AM
Saturday, May 17, 2003
So this isn't Dana getting lazy. Well it is, but it isn't. You see, in order to bring you guys better material with fewer interuptions, I've decided to make MSHS a M-F comic for a while to see if that helps me from missing days. So, have a good weekend. Go see Reloaded or something. I'm sure you have better things to do with your life than sit online and wait for me to update.
posted by Dana Calvert at 1:18 AM